Tuesday, April 26, 2011

hi everyone. its me. how are you? im g- I JUST GOT STUCK IN THE MIDDLE OF A TORNADO! woo! felt good to get that off my chest. i was scared to death. you would be too. i had too evacuate and now there is flooding and trees down... it has been going on for two months! WTH? its annoying. im just glad im alive. just yest- THUNDER! AHH!!!!!!!!!!! *hides under chair* what? it was scary. i gotta go. see ya later. if i dont die first.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

kentucky, thunderstorms, and easter

good old Kentucky. where the grass is green, its got great schools, and its the home of Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Boone, and many more. also home to some of the worst possible storms you can imagine. and yesterday, i was caught in the middle of one. in a car. on a bridge. i was scared to death! my grandad was driving and my mammaw was on the other side and i was clinging to my mammaws arm, listening to the radio which was talking about tornado warnings, and not even being able to see out the windshield. and i was on a bridge!!! i was safe though. but i don't know if these storms will ever stop. they've been going for nearly 2 MONTHS!!!!! sigh. well, see you guys later and, Happy Easter

Friday, April 22, 2011

first post

hey guys! im so happy to finally get a blog! Oh, and, i want all of you to check out allie brosh's work! http://www.hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/ she awsome and so funny! ok everyone i want to introduce... *drumroll* the alot(Allie Brosh owns this not me)! the alot is created when someone types "alot" instead of "a lot". i cant post a pic of it b/c i dont own it! and im terrible at drawing. all of you are awsome for reading this! if i could i would send you a million dollars! but i cant. haha. well, thats all for now folks! *show animal leaning out of that thing*