Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oh heck...

Hey, guys, This time I'm taking your advice. I'm creating and actual topic, not just a random scribbling of words! And, Somehow, I've become... (Pause for dramatic effect) A GRAMMAR NAZI!! Bum bum bummmm... (But I don't know EVERYTHING about grammar so bear(Bare?) with me here. Also, thanks for all of the encouraging comments.) Here goes:

Ok, so, I'm back in school for my 7th grade year. (YES, I'm only in the 7th grade. That's why my grammar sucks cheese.) It's after the first 9 weeks and I'm still in Remediation, A.K.A. Enrichment, For having an F in social studies. Bleh. Buuuut.... This 9 weeks I'm in Gym, A.K.A. P.E., Thankfully. Ooor maybe not so thankfully...


My friend, Christine: (To my math teacher) What's third period this nine weeks? (Each 9 weeks we have something different. Ex. Health, Arts and Humanities, P.E.)

My Teacher, Mrs. Melody: Um let me see..... Oh! You have P.E. this 9 weeks.

Me: (Thinking) Gym? Sweet!

Christine: Hey, Destiny!?!? Squirrel!
 (It's an inside joke... I'll tell you the story some day...)

Me: He he...

(The bell rings)

Me: (Jumps up and down) YAY!! MATH'S OVER!! GYM TIME! WOO!! (Runs down the hall the the Elementary Gym(Yet another long story about why it's the Elementary Gym...))

Me: (Gets to the gym) YAY!!!

Keith, this really annoying, weird boy: (He runs into me(On purpose -_-))

Me: Ow! Keith, what the heck?

Keith: Ha ha, that didn't hurt!

Me: Rigggght....

Coach Blackman(Yes, that is his real last name.):Sit down everyone! This is gym. Some times we will stay here in the Elementary gym, sometimes we'll go to the High School Gym, and sometimes we'll go out side. If we go outside, we have to run 3 laps around the track. (Which is equal to 1/4 of a mile.)

Me: (Eyes widen and I gasp, nearly passing out from how far we have to we have to run)

Coach: Or you can walk.

Me: (sighs with relief)

Coach: But in the middle of the 9 weeks we have to run half a mile in six minutes and it's half your grade.


Needless to say, Gym is going to kill me. Mainly because I have asthma and because I'm Slightly over weight. Bleh.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


O.o wooow. i got a comment... *tries not to act like a 5 year old* i got a comment... yay!! wow... have not updated in a looong time... anyway, summer vacation!! WHOO!! we go back to school in two weeks. :P anyway, I HAVE A NEW FANFICTION!!!!!! GO TO FANFICTION, SERCH TWIJAZLUVER, READ AND REVEW!!!! WHOOO!!! SUGAARHIGHS AARE AWESOME!!!! I JUST ATE BAKED BREAD WITH BUTTER AND SUGAR!! SUGAR TOOOOOASSSS(XD)TTTTTT!! WANNA MAKE IT? INSTRUCTIOBNS:

Oh... i ate them.. hold on...
o, theres another pic. yum.... bye!

Monday, June 27, 2011

I'm really sorry

i feel stupid. i feel like a douche. i don't know why i ever thought a blog was a good idea. i am probably just an attention whore with terrible grammer and millions of things to say that no one whats to hear. i think i have funny, cool stuff but in real life i know that no one would ever want to know about that stuff.

i know i suck and i know im not funny in the least and i know i was stupid for even trying. know, dont get me wrong, im not looking for pity.i have absolutely nothing to say on my blogs. please forgive me. i am constantly  called immature and dumb and stupid on the internet. i dont know what i do wrong. i dont know if its me or the cruelty of other people. i am immature. i know. i dont need to be called it and dumb and stupid and millions of other things. i try my hardest and am constantly made fun of.

i mess up. i am a human being. i dont even know how i got on the topic of this! maybe i should give up. i probably made allie brosh become mad and/or annoyed at me on accident. i try not to. im truely sorry for posting this god awful crap that no one wants to read. i wish i could make it up to everyone somehow. ill just post a few pictures even though they cant make up for anything, here is a few pics:

look at the shadow. i find it pretty cool.

The end of the rainbow!!

Demon chick.




woah. i wanna look like her.





this is cool.


ooohhh! hehe...


Monday, May 30, 2011


i went fishing yesterday and today! pic of yesterday:
i caught 5 of those and my dad caught the rest. today, not so good. caught one bluegill . so did my dad. and he caught a turtle. lucky. ok off the subject of turtles, i got a nasty sunburn. ow. -__-. pic:

                                                                                        it hurt. a lot. ya see the redness on my cheeks? nose? yeah. i hate sunblock and still got burnt even thought i put it on. i didn't get anymore burnt today (thank god) probably b/c i use SPF 100 and yesterday i used spf30. LOLcats are my new obsession. i made one. i don't wanna post a pic right now though. I WOULD APPRECIATE AT LEAST ONE COMMENT YA KNOW!!! I'm bored. ALLIE IF YOUR READING THIS THEN THANK YOU! if not then T.T. lol. remember DA purple ribbons? they are brown not purple. so, pretend they are brown cuz i ain't(if ain't isn't a word, then why is it on spell check?) posting another pic cuz I'm lazy. MAKE ME FAMOUS!!! when ppl are famous and in magazines and everybody pays attention to them and comments and review i get jealous and it makes me wanna start crying in real life. i get mad and frustrated and depressed. i really want to be famous and stuff and I'm trying as hard as i can. well, i gotta go look up stuff and read other blogs and crap like that. see ya later.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


i am going crazy! i had to evacuate for the 2 time in the past 2 months! wtf? its annoying. you know what else is annoying? PEOPLE READING MY BLOG AND NOT COMMENTING!!! I can check that out you know -_-. well, I'm bored. i gotta write longer posts... ALLIE BROSH IS AWESOME! you know, one time, on her blog, ( ) she told us to wear purple ribbons or something. here:
i chose 2 purples. i know its sucky. then again, life is sucky. and i cant- wait... i forgot what i was gonna say... OH WELL- CRAP. he he sorry. the caps lock was an accident. he he. bye!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


why does no one even read  this. i hope this thing gets more popular. i wonder why people don't read it. oh well onto other stuff. whats up? oh, my cat had kittens! look, here's one! oops. i meant two. XD there's 4 all together. i love them!! did you hear about the tornado in Missouri?  I'm glad i don't live there. that would suck. you know what wouldn't suck? if Allie brosh read this. that would be awesome, if a famous person (aka Allie Brosh) read this. sorry bout the video. it went all weird on me and didn't upload right. oh, and, SUMMER BREAK! SCHOOLS OUT FOR 2 MONTHS! yay! I'm happy. i wish someone would read this. grrr! bye.

Monday, May 9, 2011

im alive

well im not dead. the3 rains stoped. Finally. Fun site : yeah that was random but i like it. im runnin for student co. rep. at my school. vote me! wait... you dont go to my school. dang. why do i even post if noone reads it?  Video of me doin random stuff

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

hi everyone. its me. how are you? im g- I JUST GOT STUCK IN THE MIDDLE OF A TORNADO! woo! felt good to get that off my chest. i was scared to death. you would be too. i had too evacuate and now there is flooding and trees down... it has been going on for two months! WTH? its annoying. im just glad im alive. just yest- THUNDER! AHH!!!!!!!!!!! *hides under chair* what? it was scary. i gotta go. see ya later. if i dont die first.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

kentucky, thunderstorms, and easter

good old Kentucky. where the grass is green, its got great schools, and its the home of Abraham Lincoln, Daniel Boone, and many more. also home to some of the worst possible storms you can imagine. and yesterday, i was caught in the middle of one. in a car. on a bridge. i was scared to death! my grandad was driving and my mammaw was on the other side and i was clinging to my mammaws arm, listening to the radio which was talking about tornado warnings, and not even being able to see out the windshield. and i was on a bridge!!! i was safe though. but i don't know if these storms will ever stop. they've been going for nearly 2 MONTHS!!!!! sigh. well, see you guys later and, Happy Easter

Friday, April 22, 2011

first post

hey guys! im so happy to finally get a blog! Oh, and, i want all of you to check out allie brosh's work! she awsome and so funny! ok everyone i want to introduce... *drumroll* the alot(Allie Brosh owns this not me)! the alot is created when someone types "alot" instead of "a lot". i cant post a pic of it b/c i dont own it! and im terrible at drawing. all of you are awsome for reading this! if i could i would send you a million dollars! but i cant. haha. well, thats all for now folks! *show animal leaning out of that thing*